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Tips and Advice for Easy Operation

Do you know how to enter frequently repeated payment orders easily and quickly?

After you have entered all data in the Payment order window, press Save as template. Enter a name for the template. When creating the next payment order with the same data, select the required template name in the drop-down list of templates.

Do you know how to enter foreign payments easily and quickly?

In the Foreign payment window, enter the beneficiary's bank SWIFT code and press Verify beneficiary's bank. Follow the simple wizard to fill in the beneficiary's bank data. For repeated foreign payments, it is recommended to save the payment as a template.

Do you wish to stop receiving paper statements in your post-box?

In Main menu/Statements/Statement Setup Overview, setup receiving statements in the electronic form in the requested frequency. Electronic statements will be then available for downloading directly in the Profibanka application.

Do you know how to instantly review your payment card payments?

In the Block of payment card operations list, you can instantly see amounts verified and paid through the payment card issued to your account.

Do you know how to easily move through your accounts? Name them!

If you administer more accounts within the Profibanka service and navigate through their numbers with difficulties, it is recommended to name these accounts using alias names. You can name accounts in the Profiles/Own account aliases menu. Only you can see the set aliases.

Do you know how to inform the beneficiary of sending him/her a payment?

Click the Notification tab in the window for entering payment orders. Enter the communication channel (SMS, e-mail, fax) to send the message and appropriate contact data. The selected person will be informed of a payment being sent immediately.

Do you know how to send payments in foreign currencies within the Czech Republic?

You can send payment orders in foreign currency from your CZK or foreign currency account using the Payment orders/Payment order in the FC menu. In this case, the beneficiary's account must be operated by Komerční banka.

Do you know how to select more entries in lists?

In some functions, you can select one or more records (rows) to be sent or modified. The function will always be executed for all selected records.

  • Ctrl+left mouse button – for discontinuous selection,
  • Shift+left mouse button – continuous selection.

After completing the selection, the number of selected entries is specified at the bottom of the screen.

Do you know how to set the number of entries on the page?

The appropriate number of items is displayed according to the page length setting (Administration – System setup - Max. number of list items on one page). The total number of pages and the total number of items is always displayed.

Do you know how to easily export data to other applications?

Exporting the whole list to files in CSV or HTML formats is a standard feature of every list (without paging). You can also download print statements in the RTF format.

  • CSV format (a text file with comma-separated items and records) is suitable especially for export to spreadsheets (e.g. MS Excel) or database applications (e.g. MS Access) for further data processing.
  • HTML format is suitable for transferring data in a form similar to the form of their display on the application screen. The file can be viewed in an Internet browser (such as MS Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Opera).
  • RTF format is a multipurpose format suitable for most text editors (such as MS Word).
Do you know how to customize lists?

The Setting view button is located in lists allowing customizing (such as transaction history). After pressing this button, the window for customizing the displayed list will appear. You can set only the information you are interested in, order of columns, filters for easier searching etc.
You can always return to the default view settings.


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