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SEPA EuroPayment - authorisation

Enter details Authorisation Confirmation

Debited account number 34-97868768768/0100

Payer’s name František Koudelka

Payer's account number / IBAN CZ67010000000034-32277676

Beneficiary's account number / IBAN FR9797979080896786-97676576

Beneficiary’s name Thomas Reded

Street / P.O.BOX of beneficiary Rue de l'Abbaye

Town, postcode, země příjemce Paris, 655628, Francie

Beneficiary's bank BIC / SWIFT code DS876878

NCC of beneficiary’s bank 6767

Name of beneficiary's bank Lorem ipsum

Street / P.O.BOX of beneficiary's bank Dolor sit amet

Town of beneficiary's bank Paříž

Country of beneficiary's bank Francie

Amount, currency 200,00 EUR

Due date 18. 6. 2011

Make a payment Expres


Fees will be billed to account number 32-23322334433/100

Purpose of payment -

Pay by cheque No

Transaction ID IZTD876SSN876765765

Send notification SMS: František Koudelka

Payer and beneficiary detailed identification

Payer's reference -

Provide payer's postal address to payee? Yes

Payer's identification

Identification type 098676547

Document type 558

Identification details 787657

Document issuer 0

Identification of beneficiary

Identification type 558

Document type 787657

Identification details 0

Document issuer 098676547


Identification of original payer

Identification of final beneficiary

Your remaining daily account limit Unlimited CZK

Remaining daily limit of the subject 300 000,00 CZK

C:\Documents And Settings.\Admin...Koudelka_Frantisek_KB07.p12

Your relationship manager is Zuzana Kenerová Meeting summary Schedule meeting Call me

mojebanka@kb.cz   +420 955 551 556
(Mo-Fr 8:00 - 16:00)