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Foreign payments with individual FX - authorisation

Enter details Authorisation Confirmation

Debited account number nakoupené FX prostředky

Payer’s name František Koudelka

Purchased FX funds currency EUR

Beneficiary's account number / IBAN FR9797979080896786-97676576

Beneficiary’s name Thomas Reded

Street / P.O.BOX of beneficiary Rue de l'Abbaye

Town, postcode, země příjemce Paris, 655628, Francie

Beneficiary's bank BIC / SWIFT code DS876878

NCC of beneficiary’s bank 6767

Name of beneficiary's bank Lorem ipsum

Street / P.O.BOX of beneficiary's bank Dolor sit amet

Town of beneficiary's bank Paríž

Country of beneficiary's bank Francie

Send notification SMS: 665 664 553

Amount, currency 200,00 EUR

Due date 15. 3. 2010

Make a payment Expres


Fees will be billed to account number 32-23322334433/0100

Purpose of payment  

Pay by cheque No

Transaction ID IZTD876SSN876765765

Debited account number nakoupené FX prostředky

Payer’s name František Koudelka

Účet příjemce / IBAN FR9797979080896786-97676576

Beneficiary’s name Thomas Reded

Street / P.O.BOX of beneficiary Rue de l'Abbaye

Town, postcode, země příjemce Paris, 655628, Francie

Beneficiary's bank BIC / SWIFT code DS876878

NCC of beneficiary’s bank 6767

Name of beneficiary's bank Lorem ipsum

Street / P.O.BOX of beneficiary's bank Dolor sit amet

Town of beneficiary's bank Paríž

Country of beneficiary's bank Francie

Send notification SMS: 665 664 553

Amount, currency 200,00 EUR

Due date 15. 3. 2010

Make a payment Expres


Fees will be billed to account number 32-23322334433/0100

Purpose of payment  

Pay by cheque No

Payer and beneficiary detailed identification

Payer's reference -

Provide payer's postal address to payee? Yes

Payer's identification

Identification type 098676547

Document type 558

Identification details 787657

Document issuer 0

Identification of beneficiary

Identification type 558

Document type 787657

Identification details 0

Document issuer 098676547


Identification of original payer

Identification of final beneficiary

Your remaining daily limit for payments with individual FX Unlimited CZK

Remaining daily limit of the subject 300 000,00 CZK

Total authorised debit amount 300 000,00 CZK

C:\Documents And Settings.\Admin...Koudelka_Frantisek_KB07.p12

Your relationship manager is Zuzana Kenerová Meeting summary Schedule meeting Call me

mojebanka@kb.cz   +420 955 551 556
(Mo-Fr 8:00 - 16:00)